Parvin Malekzadeh


I'm a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Operations Management and Statistics department at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (UofT) working with Pof. Dmitry Krass and Pof. Opher Baron. My research focuses on applying Machine Learning, specifically Reinforcement Learning, to optimize Automated Queue Management Systems.
Prior to this, I earned Ph.D. candidate at the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Toronto, mentored by Pof. Kostas Plataniotis. My academic journey includes completing my master at Concordia University under the guidance of Prof. Arash Mohammadi.

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My research focuses on advancing autonomous artificial intelligence, targeting decision-making and interaction within real-world environments. This extends beyond the limitations of task-specific agents and involves substantial work in Reinforcement Learning and Active Inference, particularly addressing the critical areas of Transfer Learning, Uncertainty (Risk)-Aware Decision Making , Robust Loss Function Design, and Generative Models.

Highlighted Publications

See Google Scholar for more publications.

Active Inference and Reinforcement Learning: A Unified Inference on Continuous State and Action Spaces under Partial Observability
P Malekzadeh, KN Plataniotis
Neural Computation, 2024
paper / webpage

EX-DRL: Hedging Against Heavy Losses with EXtreme Distributional Reinforcement Learning
P Malekzadeh, Z Poulos, J Chen, Z Wang, KN Plataniotis
paper / webpage / code

UaMB-SF: Uncertainty-aware transfer across tasks using hybrid Model-Based Successor Feature reinforcement learning
P Malekzadeh, M Hou, KN Plataniotis
Neurocomputing, 2023
paper / webpage

A robust quantile huber loss with interpretable parameter adjustment in distributional reinforcement learning
P Malekzadeh, KN Plataniotis, Z Poulos, Z Wang
ICASSP , 2024
paper / code / webpage
AKF-SR: Adaptive Kalman filtering-based Successor Representation
P Malekzadeh, M Salimibeni, M Hou, A Mohammadi, KN Plataniotis
Neurocomputing, 2022
paper / code / webpage

UUaE: A Unified Uncertainty-aware Exploration combining epistemic and aleatory uncertainty
P Malekzadeh, M Hou, KN Plataniotis
ICASSP , 2023
paper / webpage

MM-KTD: Multiple Model Kalman Temporal Differences for reinforcement learning
P Malekzadeh, M Salimibeni, A Mohammadi, A Assa, KN Plataniotis
IEEE Access, 2020
paper / code


  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada (Sep. 2020- Jun. 2024)
  • M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Canada (2018- 2020)
  • B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2013- 2017)